The Fujifilm X100V | Virtually Perfect

Warning: This is a very dangerous review of the new X100V. Acute GAS threatens immediately after reading!

In my initial thoughts on the new Fujifilm X100V, I actually revealed how excited I was about this camera from the first touch. Now a good six weeks have passed, during which I had the camera in my hands frequently. Six weeks doesn’t sound like enough time for a review, but I have a long history with the X100 series. To be honest, I could have written this text even after two days. However, I didn’t have the time… and the Corona crisis has slowed me down even more. Difficult times! 🙁

Update 04-23-2023: By the way, here I have drawn a kind of interim conclusion after three years of use (OK, and another hymn of praise) on the Fujifilm X100V.

For those who are impatient, I can make it very short: For me, this is the sexiest digital camera ever made. Ever! Regardless of type! (By the way, it takes over this title from the Fujifilm X-Pro2)

You’re wondering how I come to such a crazy statement? About a camera where you can’t even change the lens. Which probably has almost no unique specifications at any point. That “only” has an APS-C sensor built in. And no IBIS. Hey wait, and I also own the Fujifilm GFX 50S high resolution monster… and I still stand by that statement?

Here‘s my very personal why in one sentence:

The sexiest camera is the one with soul, great fun factor and huge versatility in real life practice.


The soul

For sure, the X-Pro3 or the X-T3 are the “better” cameras, at least when it comes to flexibility – simply because you can change the lens. I really, really love the X-Pro line… but the X100 is the beginning, the soul of the X series. That’s where it all started. And it still embodies the pure joy of photography for me. One camera – one little lens! Go out and shoot…

That was the fascination right from the start. A camera as it used to be in former times, but digital and in a hidden way technically very up to date. The X100V has taken this point to the extreme without betraying its soul. On the contrary – it has once again highlighted this soul.

Here we have a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Which is again only partly a correct picture – rather a wolf in a Dior dress.

OK, first things first… let‘s have a look on the changed things that really count.

Body and design

The body

Some might say that the camera looks just like its predecessor, the X100F. Yes, even with the fifth version of the series, the changes in design are again quite subtle – fortunately! Anything else would have been terrible, though.

The original X100 was already quite well designed. Nevertheless, it was somewhat squiggled here and there and not straightforwardly designed to the last consequence.

Too bad I’m not so good at Photoshop on a professional level… I’d love to morph the continuous transformation of these five cameras into a GIF. Then you’d probably see how „nice and pretty“ (X100) became “clean and beautiful“ (X100V). I actually think the Fujifilm X100V has become a design icon. You might argue that the last Leica M is even a little bit clearer in its lines, but that is almost subtle.

The design of the new Fujifilm X100V is absolutely stunning!

The material and the ‘coatings’

The step to use sandblasted and anodized aluminium for the top and the bottom plate was really an excellent idea. I wonder why Fujifilm didn’t come up with this idea earlier. Unfortunately, I haven’t had a black X100V in my hands yet, but the pictures of it look very good, too. The silver version is nothing else but perfect in my eyes. The camera feels very good, very robust and of high quality.

The tilt screen

I didn’t want it and fortunately I didn’t get it – at least not in the form I expected. Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the coolest flip-up display I have ever seen on a camera? It’s so flat and invisibly integrated into the body that you won’t even notice it. And yet you have one when you want one.

For me, this is an absolute design and engineering stroke of genius!

I wouldn’t have minded seeing this kind of display on the X-Pro3.

Additionally, I have a small but remarkable detail for you: when you flip the display out, the viewfinder’s eye sensor is deactivated. A great idea – and again the question: Why not (yet) with the X-Pro3?

The button and wheel layout

Not much has actually happened here. Except of course that the layout has adapted relatively closely to the X-Pro3. That means the D-Pad is gone, as is the exclusive delete button.

In my opinion, the front and rear dials have become a little more grippy and the Q-button is a little more protected against accidental adjustment in its new position. In contrast to the X-Pro3, the button function of the front dial has been retained. Very pleasing is the addition of another FN function on the front switch for the hybrid viewfinder. To get this, hold the switch to the right for about 3 seconds.

For me the number of FN buttons is therefore sufficient. Apart from the possibility to program the touch display as additional FN “buttons”, I use the following functions for the fixed buttons: ND filter, custom functions, boot mode and face detection. That’s enough for me…

OK, the exposure compensation dial still adjusts much too easily due to the lack of a lock. You can’t have it all, even though I don’t understand why Fujifilm doesn’t put a locking button on it. Could be a nice one made of aluminium that fits the design. Anyway…

The ISO dial

One of the innovations compared to its predecessor – but also to the X-Pro series – is the modified ISO dial. It still works as usual but remains in the upper position when you lift it. This simplifies operation. I know that the design of the former ISO dial was a reason for many complaints, but I can’t understand why. Firstly, I got along well with it before and secondly, I hardly ever use it anyway. The ISO automatic is usually a great thing. Perhaps the change in design here will calm some minds.

Weather sealing

I was never one of those for whom the lack of weather resistance in the X100 series was a real showstopper. As already mentioned in my previous post on the X100F, I have used the various X100 cameras both in the Sahara and in the humid tropics of Asia without hesitation and the cameras never had a problem with those conditions.

Nevertheless, I have to admit that this point is now a huge plus. I don’t have to worry at all anymore when I’m shooting in the rain – which I often do with the X-Pro2 or the X-H1. I just love the mood and the light in pictures when it rains.

Some people get upset that the weather resistance is only achieved with a filter in front of the lens and therefore call this a fake. So what? Some people also think the earth is a disk. That’s all I have to say about that.

The new battery door design

OK, it’s no big deal and the old battery door had never really annoyed me, but to be honest it was pretty flimsy. The new design works much better and also makes a more stable impression. In any case, the door no longer opens so easily unintentionally.

The viewfinder

In my opinion, the viewfinder has become nothing short of perfect – which applies to both the EVF and the OVF. Technologically an absolute masterpiece and the pure joy of working with it. The X100V has the best and most advanced hybrid viewfinder of any Fujifilm X rangefinder style cameras. I have never had more fun working with a viewfinder on any camera. Period.


Essentially, the EVF is the same as that in X-Pro3. In a few words: a great improvement and for me an outstanding feature. We now look at the same high-resolution 3.69-million-dot OLED panel with a magnification of 0,66x. It’s awesome. That’s all I have to say about that.


Well, now we come to a subject that’s been bothering me a bit. No, not with the X100V, but the X-Pro3. As I reported in my review of the X-Pro3, with my eyes I have a problem with the dioptre correction between OVF and EVF – for the first time on all X-Pro and X100 cameras. And that is still the case. Unfortunately, it is and will not remain perfect with the OVF of the X-Pro3.

And now guess what: Although the viewfinder seems almost identical, the problem is gone with the X100V. OVF and EVF are almost identically sharp for my eyes at the same dioptre setting. That’s great, but why not with the X-Pro3?

However, there is one very small limitation to my praise: I still don’t know what to think about the changed behaviour of the frame lines. As with the X-Pro3, the parallax compensation of the frame lines remains on the last setting. So you have to keep in mind that the frame lines do not show the framing at infinity by default. This also has advantages, but one has to get used to it a little… maybe it would be good to give use the choice.

The Eyepiece

In one word: perfect!

The material and shape are now almost perfect for my taste and the dial for dioptre correction is also better than the one on the X-Pro3. I don’t know what else could be improved.

The lens

To be honest I was always satisfied with the first-generation lens. But yes, it had some problems with sharpness and resolution in the close-up range, especially at f 2.0. The improvement here is immediately visible. And I’m glad that the size of the lens has remained the same. For me the image quality is by far good enough and the compactness of the lens and camera is one of the decisive criteria.

Tech and specs

In this section I do not really want to write much. You can get all information from other sources and the topic is not really interesting for me. Today’s digital cameras are small marvels of technology anyway. So, I will write only the most necessary or if something seems important or noticeable to me.

The sensor

The same as in X-Pro3 or X-T3. Performance is great, nothing more to say about it.

The processor

The same here…

Software and menu

This is so close to the X-Pro3 that I don’t want to talk about it too much. As before, I can handle the Fujifilm menu very well. What I’m personally very happy about is that the X100V finally allows you to give names to the custom functions.

The autofocus

I’ve seen some complaints on the net about the autofocus not being fast enough. To be honest, I have no idea what people are talking about or what they actually expect. This lens may not focus as fast as the most modern lenses with a linear or ultrasonic motor. Maybe the tracking in AF-C (which I never use) doesn’t work as well as with bigger cameras that are built for this type of shooting. But let’s be fair: the autofocus is great for a camera of this type. It’s super-fast and precise.

I have zero complaints here and I am totally happy with its performance.

Battery life

I can’t say anything conclusive about that. From the first impression, I’d say it’s noticeably better than with the Fujifilm X100F. But that can be deceptive… let’s see what I will say after a year or so.


I don’t use any video functions with such a camera, and I don’t know much about it anyway. The specifications are probably quite good, but of course not absolute state of the art. For me, this a a camera for stills, not for video.

Apart from that this is also a partly controversial point, because the camera can get quite warm when using the video function for a longer time. More about that later.

This and that

The ND filter

The integrated ND filter was a special feature and a highlight of the X100 series right from the start. Previously, the filter had the effect of three f-stops, in the new X100V it is now four. This is very welcome in any case and makes the camera even more variable in glaring light, as you can leave the aperture wide open.

I have the impression that the difference in the EVF is now more noticeable with the ND filter activated, but that could be deceptive. Unfortunately, I no longer have an X100F to verify this. And it doesn’t matter anyway…

The “overheating problem”

Let us now turn to a “problem” that became public relatively early. Soon after the introduction of the camera, the first users on the net complained about overheating problems with the X100V. These are said to occur when shooting 4K videos and – at least some people report – when taking several pictures in a short time or even when scrolling through the menu.

On the one hand, you can generally feel the heat at the place where the thumb normally rests. And after a few minutes of filming in 4K the camera stops with an overheating message. At least that’s what the reports say. Well, what to think about that?

I only noticed this – very slight – heat dissipation at the above-mentioned place when I used the X100V very intensively – and only because I paid attention to it according to the reports. Neither when taking pictures nor when using the menu, I have ever considered it a problem. I do not know exactly what the people were doing there? Hundreds of shots in continuous mode?

Another story is probably the intensive use of the video function. I’ve also tried it five or six minutes in 4K, without any problems. I noticed the warmth, but it wasn’t a problem. But apparently the camera overheats after ten or twelve minutes of video filming in 4K. Well, it’s just not a video camera for continuous use. Personally, I don’t care about that and I guess other small cameras won’t be much different either.

There is an official statement by Fujifilm on this “issue” – which is absolutely no issue for me at all. However, decide yourself…


The advantages of the X-Pro line compared to the X100 line have become very modest with the X100V – from a technological point of view. Even the often-mentioned main argument – the missing weather resistance – has become obsolete. The main difference is actually concentrated on the possibility to change lenses. That can undoubtedly be a very important point and it is for me too. Of course, this is also why I use other X cameras. But a noticeable difference in the use of an X-Pro3 with 2.0/23mm and the X100V has actually largely disappeared. Except that the X100V is of course smaller and lighter.

So what about a direct comparison to the X100F? Is the predecessor so much worse? No, absolutely not! Unfortunately, the X100V is so much better. What at first sounds like a total contradiction, is not one on closer inspection. The X100F is and remains a great camera. It really has no bad qualities and is already very, very mature. Nevertheless, Fujifilm has somehow managed to make some small and subtle, but also some quite fundamental changes to the fifth-generation model in the series.

This is what gives the X100V all its charm and fascination: it really has become almost perfect. It may be that a second SD card slot and IBIS are still missing for true perfection, but I don’t want to overestimate that with this kind of camera. Everything else about this camera is stunning – from design to functionality. So, I am happy to repeat my opening statement from above:

This is the sexiest digital camera in the world. If not the best…

Some almost final words

At the end of my review, however, a few irritating thoughts remain in my head. I have dealt with some in my opinion not always completely obvious (Titanium top and bottom plate), questionable (hidden display) or even useless (subdisplay) design decisions regarding the Fujifilm X-Pro3. I have even almost forgotten my annoyance about its problematic hybrid viewfinder (dioptre correction is NOT equal between OVF and EVF for my eyes). And I have also accepted things like the not really perfect diopter compensation wheel (flimsy) as well as some other minor slip-ups (eye sensor too sensitive with display open).

And now I see that with the X100V Fujifilm makes almost everything right. The viewfinder is perfect and dioptre correction works fine for me. The eyepiece is slightly better, the folding display is great, the ISO-dial… you know what I mean?

As good as the X-Pro3 may be overall (and it is definitely very good), it remains a bit disappointing that some things haven’t been thought through to the end, especially with this also completely new camera. For me, the X-Pro series is actually the top class of X cameras… so an X-Pro3, which was developed practically parallel to the X100V, should also be as perfect as possible. Now there is just one drop of bitterness…

The final word

Unfortunately, these days I cannot end with my usual final sentence. So, today I say:

Stay healthy, stay human and watch out for yourself.

There is always light somewhere – stay at home and shoot!

Update: Some shots from an at least somewhat normal end of summer 2020 😉


  • Direct, clean, honest and so simple review I have red about this gem. I am an amateur Fujifilm shooter, a lover about his cameras, lens and everything about it. I own the X100V from a couple of months and for the virus I can’t go out in the street. But I really appreciate your direct and honest sentences about that. Thank you.

    • Hi Fabrizio,

      thanks a lot for your kind words! Your comment was classified as spam, I don‘t know why. But now I changed it…
      In our thoughts we are also in Italy! Better times will come and then we can go out again to the people on the streets! Stay safe and healthy!

      All the best,

  • Very nice review! And you are your are right GAS is triggered heavily.

    Fujifilm really build a design masterpiece with the X100V! So a beautiful camera. I was first more interested in the X-T4 but, but the X-T line gets heavier and heavier on each release, to much for an everyday carry camera.

    I hope the price will go down a bit in switzerland, the price is relatively high compared to the other fuji cameras. The X100V (1600 CHF) is 75% more expensive that the X100F (900 CHF) currently.

    • Hello Yves,

      thank you very much for your comment. For some reason, your comment ended up in the spam folder, but fortunately I noticed it. And yes, you are right on both counts: great camera but really not cheap. For me, it’s worth the price, but I can understand if someone flinches a bit…

      Stay safe!

  • Thank Peter for a great review and kind of working in place X100V stream of creative consciousness ending wit a case of GAS for sure. I’ve already ordered mine to pickup my game a bit. Any favorite settings you can share to get me up and running faster?

    • Hello Ford,

      thank you very much for the kind words about my review!

      What can I advise? One thing seems to make a lot of sense to me and increases both the fun and the creative output: You should assign good settings to the seven custom functions and also program that as quick selection to one of the FN buttons. Some inspiration for interesting settings can be found in the links below. But also try out your own ideas for settings…


  • Hi Peter,
    thx for the straight review and the references to the X-Pro 3. The most tempting thing for me is the more or less similar button layout as the X-Pro 3, which makes it a lot easier to switch between the cameras…. and the new sensor… and the autofocus…. and Classic Chrome… and the sexy design… and…
    Right now I still love my X100F, it would be my choice for the island – maybe beside my X-Pro 3 😉
    Take care

    • Hi Norbert,
      thanks for your comment! As you maybe have seen, the X100V became my new desert island camera. Otherwise, I am slowly learning to appreciate the X-Pro3 more and more…

      Take care, too!


  • Hi Peter,
    Great review aimed at the end user as opposed to the tech nerd. I have just opened the box on my X100V and can’t wait to get using it.
    I currently have 4 X Series bodies so this is a big change for me but one I’m looking forward to.
    Stay safe.

  • Hallo zusammen,
    bisschen absurd, wenn Deutsche untereinander Englisch reden. Be yourself, say it in your own language!
    Danke im Voraus
    P.J. Lechner

    • Hallo Rudi (Pierre? P.J.?),
      danke für Deinen Kommentar, gerne in jeder Sprache, die ich irgendwie halbwegs verstehe. Aber apropos verstehe: ich verstehe Deinen Kommentar leider trotz der von mir auch gesprochen Sprache nicht ganz.

      Lg Peter

  • Triggered by your review (and other very positive reviews), I actually bought the X100V – only to return it after a few days of utter frustration. The dysfunctionality of wireless features, the terribly buggy and flawed Fujifilm Software, the severely insufficient battery life (far from the much touted 440 shots, more like 100 shots) and the lack of compatibility with USB-import functions and tethering of standard software were enough for me to pass on that camera. I will continue to use my trusted X100s, which was recently completely overhauled by the excellent Fujifilm customer service and continues to work like a charm. I wish Fujifilm would focus on their strength and make a simple, reliable and well-built camera with basic functionality and world-class optics and forget about gazillions of functions which don’t even work in the end and clog up the menus.

    • Hello Matthias,

      thank you for visiting my website and contributing. I’m sorry that you had such bad experiences with the X100V. However, I can’t really understand this criticism. I can transfer pictures wirelessly to my smartphone, the battery life is not worse than with older models (quite the opposite) and I get along very well with the Fujifilm menu. I agree with you that the menu is extensive, but for me this is an advantage. I can configure my camera very well and then I practically never have to go back to the menu. Many of the newer functions are also really great! So I stick to my opinion that the V is one of the most perfect cameras I know. I don‘t know wheher it makes sense to bring a super simple camera without many features on the market. I’m sure it would have a few buyers, but I don’t find the concept of a Leica M-D, for example, very sexy. The way I use the X100V it is a simple and very intuitive camera for me – without the malfunctions or weaknesses you mentioned. So every person is different… 😉

      Stay safe!

  • The only co I have with fixed lens camer offering wide and normal converter is the lack of bayonet mount. Screwing on and off is waste of time missing picture opportunity.. So simple improvement and everytime overseen or neglected.

    • Hi Stanislaw,
      thanks für your comment! I don‘t use any of these, so it‘s no real problem for me. And if I were to use the WCL, I’d probably always leave it on the lens, because I’m more of a wide-angle photographer. Anyway, you are right… a bayonet mount for the converters would have been better.


  • Hello Peter,

    Today’s postings on Fuji Rumors called my attention to this review you did a while back, & I’m happy that I took the time to read it. I have both the X100V & X-Pro3, so really appreciated your comparative comments about both of them. Like you, I consider this new XP3 to be the most representative of Fuji’s effort to create a truly digital rangefinder like system. I’ve had 3 out of the 5 X100 series & all of the XPro, plus one each of the XE & XT series, but find the similar haptics of these latest two iterations to be about perfect, with switching between the two now completely mindless & easy. I probably would have preferred the same tilt-able LCD on both, but do admit that the hidden one on the XP3 is making me more like the film camera user I was of old.

    When I was mid stream in the world of Fuji, I finally gave in to my lifelong desire to own a Leica, & tried both the M(240), a used one, & then a brand new Q. I’m glad I did because it cured me & caused me only to appreciate the Fuji designs & color science that much more. Now I only use the smallest primes on my XP3 (Laowa 9mm/f2,8 & XF16mm/f2.8, 23mm/f2, 35mm/f2 & 50mm/f2), plus an XF55-200 for astrophotography. This is my serious serious work bundle & the X100V for everything else I enjoy doing. Thanks for such a reinforcing write up. Cheers,


    • Hi Jed, thank you for your detailed comment. I found your comments on the Leica particularly interesting. I have to admit that I too had been tempted at times… the small lenses of the M and the great 1.7/28mm of the Q/Q2 mostly the reason. But – apart from the ridiculous price of the M and its lenses – it was the manual focusing that kept me away every time. For me, this has too many disadvantages, from use to the necessary adjustment of the rangefinder. And the Q/Q2… yes OK, it’s great. But I enjoy having the same sensor and therefore the same workflow and the X100V has already become incredibly good.

      Cheers and stay safe!

  • Hi Peter,

    congrats to a really well written personal statement on the X100V. A pleasure reading and nicely illustrated with images.

    I am a Fuji user and fully share your enthusiasm. Having used Nikon analog and full frame for 30+ years I moved to the Fuji system 5 years ago mainly due to size and weight. It regained my passion for photography and I sold most of my Nikon gear (just kept my analog F4s and 2 prime AI lenses).

    My Fuji journey started with the first X100 which I owned and loved for a number of years. I accomplished it with an X-T1 (meanwhile replaced with an X-T2 which is sufficient for me) and some amazing Fuji lenses.
    I recently sold my X100 and my new black X100V is in shipping. I can hardly wait to get it in my hands and go out and shoot with it.
    As you well expressed the X100 (in whatever version) is all one needs. As we all know the “best camera is the one you have with you” at the time. The X100V has all attributes to fulfill this criteria paired with excellent image quality and perfect handling.

    Keep on shooting and … stay safe

    Cheers Wolfgang (Germany)

    • Hi Wolfgang,
      thanks for stopping by and for your kind words. I promise you will love the X100V. If you’re coming from the original X100, the difference will seem even bigger than it does to me. And I liked the X100, despite or because of its quirkiness. But the X100V remains for me probably the best digital camera ever – and I’m currently trying my hand at a GFX100S.


      P.S. Bleib’ gesund! 😉

    • Hi Marcel,

      thank you for reading and for the kind words. I hope I am not responsible for the fact that your account balance has now dropped. No, seriously. 🙂 It is and remains a fantastic camera… I have it with me again right now and somehow a GFX100S remains unsexy and uninspiring next to it. It’s crazy… have fun with it!


  • Leider, leider ist es für mich doch ein wenig so: Eine optisch eindrucksvolle Kamera, toll verarbeitet …. holt mich einfach mehr ab, als eine, die (leistungs-) technisch vielleicht sinnvoller wäre, aber eben nicht so “schön”.

    In einem älteren Post, hatte ich ja mal erwähnt, dass ich nach einigen Jahren mit Fuji und Nikon Fujifilm X100V zu Sony bin. Vorüber die (kurze) Zeit.
    Und leider habe ich mich nach Deinen Worten hier wieder daran zurückerinnert, dass ich damals bei der Vorstellung der X100 auf der Photokina zu einem Freund gesagt habe: Mensch ist die schön, die muss ich irgendwann haben!
    Damals, noch in der Ausbildung mit Zugriff auf wirklich schöne Leica, Hasselblad und Voigtländer Bessa …. habe ich es nie gemacht.
    Auch Jahre danach nicht. Bis heute konnte sich aus rationalen Gründen vielleicht widerstehen.
    Und jetzt ist sie – zum Glück – überall nicht zu haben. Daran denken werde ich aber sicher oft, bis ich vielleicht nachgebe.

    Danke in jedem Fall, auch für die tollen, inspirierenden Fotos.
    Ist immer wieder schön vorbeizuschauen und – “neben” Jonas Rask – bei Dir zu stöbern.

    • Hi Hon,

      essentially it’s Classic Neg, but it’s a slightly more customized recipe in Lightroom.


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